Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe

Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe

Don't waste time and money going to the bakery! If you're a muffin lover, this recipe for strawberry and chocolate chip muffins will blow your mind. Easy, quick and the results are impressive, moist and delicious muffins. Don't miss it!

30+ Healthy Breakfast Ideas to Start Your Day

The recipe can be found in this article

30+ Healthy Breakfast Ideas to Start Your Day


number of servings
  • 400 g self-rising flour Added to
  • 100 g strawberry Added to
  • 150 g hazelnut puree Added to
  • 200 g sugar Added to
  • 200 ml milk Added to
  • 4 egg Added to
  • 50 g dark chocolate drops Added to
  • 1 yeast Added to
  • essence of rum Added to
  • salt Added to
  • 100 g butter Added to


60 min.
1. Step

Cut the strawberries into small pieces and blend the hazelnuts.

Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

2. Step

With a mixer, beat the eggs with the sugar.

Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

3. Step

Add the butter and the milk. Keep mixing.

Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

4. Step

Start adding the flour slowly. Then, add the hazelnuts. Mix.

Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

5. Step

Add the baking powder and let it absorb the dough. Add the rum essence.

Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

6. Step

Dredge the chocolate drops in the flour with a little flour. Add the strawberries and mix them into the dough, the same with the floured chocolate chips.

Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

7. Step

Once the batter is finished and ready, we put it in the muffin cups. Bake in a hot, static oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

8. Step

Remove from the oven and enjoy these delicious sweet strawberry muffins.

Moist and delicious strawberry and chocolate chip muffins recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

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