Source: Youtube

Quick and tasty Vegetable Fritters - Turkish recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Vegetable Fritters, a tasty and quick way to eat veggies. Don't miss it!



number of servings
  • 3 grated zucchinis Added to
  • 2 grated small onions Added to
  • 4 egg Added to
  • 4 tablespoon All Purpose Flour Added to
  • 4 pinches salt Added to
  • 2 pinches black pepper Added to
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda Added to
  • 1 teaspoon nigella seeds Added to
  • 1 pinch mahaleb seeds Added to
  • 12 twigs chopped dill or parsley or coriander Added to
  • Sunflower oil or olive oil or grape seed oil Added to


25 min.
1. Step

Place the grated zucchini in a colander over a bowl. Mix it with two pinches of salt. Squeeze for a couple of minutes to drain the excess juice.

2. Step

Transfer the zucchini to a large bowl and grate the onions in it.

3. Step

Pour the oil into a large frying pan. The oil should barely cover the Fritters while frying.

4. Step

Add the eggs, flour, two pinches of salt, black pepper and baking powder into the bowl and mix it until obtaining a batter consistency.

5. Step

Grind a pinch of mahaleb seeds with a pestle and mortar and add to the mixture. Also, mix in the nigella seeds and dill.

6. Step

Dip two spoons into the oil and scoop a heaped tablespoon of batter for each Fritter. Pour the batter into the hot oil with the second spoon and press with the back of the spoon. Fry until golden brown. Flip and fry the other side.

7. Step

Transfer on a colander to drain excess oil.

8. Step

Serve immediately. Bon appetit!

9. Step

To make the fritters in the oven instead of frying, preheat the oven to 200 °C. Grease a tray with olive oil and spread the mixture on it. Top with some mozzarella. Place into the oven and bake for 30 minutes. Enjoy!

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