Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe

Preparing a quick, homemade pizza and dough without resting is quite rewarding, satisfying and very easy. This is a version with carbonara sauce, a widespread and popular flavour that kids and many people like. Of course, on a pizza it is spectacular!

Feeding A Crowd: Delicious, Inexpensive Meals For Large Groups

The recipe can be found in this article

Feeding A Crowd: Delicious, Inexpensive Meals For Large Groups


number of servings


  • 350 g whole-wheat flour Added to
  • 7 g baking soda Added to
  • 1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil Added to
  • 200 ml hot water Added to
  • salt Added to


  • 300 g smoked bacon Added to
  • 120 g mushroom Added to
  • 12 onion Added to
  • 200 g mozzarella cheese Added to
  • 200 ml heavy cream Added to
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil Added to
  • salt Added to
  • dried oregano Added to
  • ground black pepper Added to


40 min.
1. Step

Mix 1/3 of the sifted flour with the yeast and the hot water. Stir until the ingredients are integrated.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
2. Step

Add the salt, extra virgin olive oil and the rest of the flour.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
3. Step

Set aside.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
4. Step

Chop and cut the bacon, half in large pieces and the rest chopped very small for the carbonara sauce.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
5. Step

Brown the large pieces in a pan with a drizzle of oil and set aside.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
6. Step

Sauté the small pieces for a minute and add the finely chopped onion. Cook until it becomes translucent.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
7. Step

Add the cream and bring to the boil; season with salt and pepper, turn off the heat and set aside.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
8. Step

Clean and chop the mushrooms.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
9. Step

Spread the dough with your hands on a baking paper sprinkled with flour and cover the surface of the pizza with the cream and bacon sauce.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
10. Step

Place the previously browned large pieces of bacon on top of the whole surface.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
11. Step

Add the mushrooms seasoned with oil, salt and pepper.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
12. Step

Chop the mozzarella cheese and place on top.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
13. Step

Drizzle with Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
14. Step

Bake in a preheated oven at 250 ºC; 4 minutes in the lower part of the oven and 4 minutes in the upper part.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1
15. Step

Sprinkle well with oregano on top, cut into slices and serve the pizza hot.

Easy homemade Carbonara Pizza recipe - preparation step 1

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