Valentine's Cake

Valentine's Cake

Delicious Valentine's Day cake recipe full of chocolate.



number of servings


  • 450 g crystal sugar Added to
  • 330 g special fine flour Added to
  • 110 g cocoa Added to
  • 412 ts baking soda Added to
  • 2 ts salt Added to
  • 3 Eggs Added to
  • 375 whipped cream Added to
  • 185 ml oil Added to
  • 3 spoons vanilla Added to
  • 375 ml Of hot coffee Added to


  • 12 Of large egg whites Added to
  • 500 g crystal sugar Added to
  • 454 g softened butter Added to
  • 200 g Bow Added to
  • 3 ts Vanilla extract Added to
  • 170 g melted chocolate Added to
  • Pink dye Added to


  • Red fondant Added to
  • raspberries Added to


120 min.
1. Step

Mix the sugar, eggs, salt, and vanilla. Add oil and butter. Mix until the mixture is frothy. Sift the flour, cocoa, baking powder, and baking soda and mix until everything is thoroughly combined. Stir in the hot coffee. The batter will be very thin. Pour it into a baking dish lined with baking paper. Bake at 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Valentine's Cake - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

2. Step

Cut the cooled dough into individual pieces. Or we can bake three bodies. So we divide the dough into three parts. Prepare a chocolate cream and a pink cream.

Valentine's Cake - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

3. Step

We whisk egg whites and sugar together. We place the mixture in a water bath. Keep whisking for about 10 minutes. Remove from the water bath, whisk in butter. Divide into two halves. Stir chocolate into one half and pink coloring into the other.

Valentine's Cake - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

4. Step

We can layer the dough. We'll save the dough, spread chocolate cream. We can add a layer of gently melted peanut butter. We attach with dough, again cream. We will coat the whole cake with chocolate cream. Let it harden. We will coat it with pink cream, smooth it out and let it cool. To finish, we'll cut hearts out of fondant and decorate according to imagination. We'll use raspberries.

Valentine's Cake - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

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