Homemade Beef Bourguignon - Slow Cooked to Perfection!

Homemade Beef Bourguignon - Slow Cooked to Perfection!

Rich and Comforting Beef Bourguignon in a delicious rich sauce…. Slow cooked merrily in the oven until beautifully tender. This is a great dish for when you have guests.



number of servings
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil Added to
  • 120 g bacon lardons ( cup) Added to
  • 20 half small shallots peeled (of them cut in whole the rest left) Added to
  • 3 tablespoon plain/all-purpose flour Added to
  • 1 teaspoon salt Added to
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper Added to
  • 1 tablespoon tomato puree Added to
  • bottle red wine it doesn’t have to be an expensive wine Added to
  • 3 bay leaves Added to
  • 1 teaspoon dried thyme Added to


270 min.
1. Step

Preheat the oven to 160C/320F. Heat the oil in a large ovenproof casserole dish and add the lardons. Fry until golden brown, then remove from the pan with a slotted spoon and place in a bowl.

Homemade Beef Bourguignon - Slow Cooked to Perfection! - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

2. Step

Add the halved shallots to the pan and fry on high in the same pan for a few minutes until seared, then add to the bowl with the lardons. There should still be 2-3 tbsp of oil left in the pan at this point, if there isn’t top up with a little more oil.

Homemade Beef Bourguignon - Slow Cooked to Perfection! - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

3. Step

Toss the beef with the flour, salt and pepper. Now brown the beef in the pan in 3 or 4 batches (about 5-6 minutes per batch). Spoon out each batch into a bowl before starting on the next batch.

Homemade Beef Bourguignon - Slow Cooked to Perfection! - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

4. Step

When cooked, add all the beef back into the pan and stir in the tomato puree. Now add in the wine, beef stock, bay leaves, thyme, carrots, mushrooms and the whole shallots. Give everything a stir – to release any bits that may have stuck to the bottom of the pan.

Homemade Beef Bourguignon - Slow Cooked to Perfection! - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

5. Step

Then bring to the boil and turn off the heat. Place a lid on top and place in the oven to cook for 3 hours. Check a couple of times to make sure the Bourguignon isn’t going dry. If it is starting to look a little dry, add half a cup of water.

Homemade Beef Bourguignon - Slow Cooked to Perfection! - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

6. Step

After 3 hours, stir the bacon lardons and fried shallots into the pan, place the lid back on and place back in the oven for another 10 minutes to heat through.

Homemade Beef Bourguignon - Slow Cooked to Perfection! - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

7. Step

Serve with mashed potato and greens.

Homemade Beef Bourguignon - Slow Cooked to Perfection! - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

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