Easy Mac and Cheese Recipe

Easy Mac and Cheese Recipe

Our mac and cheese recipe will help you to beat your hunger. Its cheesy and creamy flavour will be enough to boost your mood.

How to Cook Lobster Tails From Boiling to Broiling

The recipe can be found in this article

How to Cook Lobster Tails From Boiling to Broiling


number of servings
  • 30 g Yellow and red bell pepper Added to
  • 40 g green bell pepper Added to
  • 40 g onion Added to
  • 150 g Macaroni pasta Added to
  • 25 g butter Added to
  • 3 tablespoon oil Added to
  • 1 tablespoon oregano Added to
  • 1 clove garlic Added to
  • 200 ml milk Added to
  • 150 g cheese Added to
  • salt Added to


30 min.
1. Step

Cut all the bell pepper and onion into fine slices and move them aside.

2. Step

Add 500ml of water, some salt and oil to a pan. Leave it for a few minutes. When the bubbles form, add macaroni to them. Let it boil for almost 2 minutes.

3. Step

Wash the boiled pasta with tap water.

4. Step

Take a pan to add butter and oil to it.

5. Step

Crush a garlic glove and add it to the pan, tossing it around.

6. Step

Next, add chopped onions and bell peppers and let them fry on medium flame with continuous stirring.

Easy Mac and Cheese Recipe - preparation step 1
7. Step

Now add 2 tablespoons of black pepper and 1 tbsp chilli flakes, and oregano. Make sure to mix everything well.

8. Step

After a few minutes, add boiled macaroni to it and mix, fold and wrap it.

Easy Mac and Cheese Recipe - preparation step 1
9. Step

You can add salt now for some flavour.

10. Step

Finally, we are going to make it cheesy. Add 200 ml of hot milk and cook for 5 minutes on low flame.

11. Step

After this, remove the lid and mix everything.

12. Step

Now shred cheese all over the pan evenly.

13. Step

Once again mix all the ingredients to give it a final look.

14. Step

Now take the mac and cheese on your plate and say goodbye to your hunger pangs!

Easy Mac and Cheese Recipe - preparation step 1

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