Preview of Mandarins

Mandarins - quick and easy recipes

4 recipes

Have a look at these recipes! These are our recipes from the category Mandarins – suitable for various occasions. We have a great collection of 4 recipes to diversify your menu! Preparation time 5 - 30 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. See our favorite recipes here - Alpha Omega, Tangerine Slices, Tangerine Margarita, No-Bake Sour Cream Cake - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Tangerine Slices

Quick, tasty, fresh, and no baking required‼️🧡🧡🧡😍

No-Bake Sour Cream Cake

In a bowl, we mix sour cream, vanilla sugar and sugar to your liking. I always put as much vanilla sugar as cream (so for 1 package of cream I give 1 vanilla sugar)

Alpha Omega

One night I was enjoying a couple of these cocktails with a friend who got to the bottom of his glass quicker than expected. I warned him that the blend of fino sherry, citrus juice, Cointreau, and allspice liqueur is dangerously easy to gulp, explaining that I’d made that mistake before at the start of an evening and it was soon the end of me. He laughed and said, “Well, then this cocktail is your alpha and omega … your beginning and end!”

Tangerine Margarita

Substituting tangerine juice for lime in a margarita is a revelation. The taste is gentler, a little sweeter, and far more aromatic—the tangerine flavor acts as a shadow for the orange liqueur, amplifying its presence. If you can get a Meyer lemon to garnish with (it adds a final burst of citrus perfume), go for it. If not, a regular Eureka lemon will do just fine.