Preview of Curd cheese pound cake

Curd cheese pound cake - quick and easy recipes

2 recipes

Best recipe ideas from the category Curd cheese pound cake all in one place! One of these 2 recipes may become your new favorite. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 60 - 70 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Poppy Seed Bundt Cake, Cheese Babka with Curd.

Recipe preview Poppy Seed Bundt Cake
Photo recipe

Poppy Seed Bundt Cake

Poppy seed bundt cake supplemented with dried plums. And thanks to the cottage cheese it's not dry.

Cheese Babka with Curd

This is a delicious babka featuring cheese curd as its main ingredient.