The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe

This dish consists of a casserole whose main ingredients are macaroni and cheese sauce. Traditionally, cheddar cheese is employed, although other varieties may be used. Other types of pasta can also be utilised, but the name remains the same.

What to cook on lazy weekdays

The recipe can be found in this article

What to cook on lazy weekdays


number of servings
  • 250 g macaroni Added to
  • 200 g cheddar Added to
  • 100 g Edam or Gouda cheese Added to
  • 600 ml milk Added to
  • 50 g butter Added to
  • 5 tablespoon self-rising flour Added to
  • 1 teaspoon paprika Added to
  • nutmeg Added to
  • salt Added to
  • ground black pepper Added to
  • Parmesan cheese Added to


40 min.
1. Step

Melt the butter

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
2. Step

Add flour

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
3. Step

Add the milk and mix well

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
4. Step

Continue mixing until a Béchamel sauce is formed.

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
5. Step

Add the cheeses

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
6. Step

Mix until the cheese is melted and the mixture is homogeneous.

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
7. Step

Season with salt, paprika, pepper and nutmeg. Mix again and set aside

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
8. Step

In a saucepan with boiling water add salt and macaroni.

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
9. Step

Once cooked, add them to the sauce.

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
10. Step

Serve and add the parmesan cheese.

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1
11. Step

Gratinate, serve hot and enjoy!

The most delicious macaroni cheese recipe - preparation step 1

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