Source: Pixabay : TheUjulala

Linzer eyes recipe Christmas cookies

I love this traditional Austrian cookie recipe, Linzer Augen, every Christmas. Not only are they wonderfully crumbly and delicious, they are also really pretty to look at with their bright red raspberry jam in the middle. I got the hang of it after just a few tries and can really recommend these fantastic cookies to everyone.



number of servings
  • 250 g flour Added to
  • 200 g butter Added to
  • 100 g sugar Added to
  • 1 egg Added to
  • Zest of an untreated lemon Added to
  • 200 g raspberry jam Added to
  • Powdered sugar for dusting Added to


60 min.
1. Step

To bake Linzer eyes, first sift the flour onto the work surface. I like to use a coarse sieve so that the flour is nice and fluffy.

2. Step

Make a well in the middle of the flour and add the egg, sugar, lemon zest and cold butter cut into small pieces. It is advisable to use really cold butter here so that the dough does not become too sticky.

3. Step

Mix all the ingredients together quickly to form a smooth dough. If the dough is too sticky, simply add a little more flour. Then wrap the dough in cling film and place in the fridge for approx. 30 minutes.

4. Step

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll out the dough on a floured work surface until it is about 3 mm thick. Cut out the cookies with a cookie cutter and place on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Cut a small hole in the middle of half of the cookies - these will later become the lids of the Linzer eyes.

5. Step

Bake the cookies for about 8-10 minutes until they are golden brown. I recommend checking the oven from time to time, as the cookies can burn quickly.

6. Step

Remove the baked cookies from the oven and leave to cool. Then spread the undersides with raspberry jam and place the lids on top. Finally, dust the Linzer eyes with powdered sugar - and your delicious Christmas cookies are ready!

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