Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe

Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make homemade Caramilk hot cross buns. Don't miss it!



number of servings


  • 450 g plain flour Added to
  • 1 spoon salt Added to
  • 3 spoon cinnamon Added to
  • 9 g instant dried yeast Added to
  • 100 g sugar Added to
  • 1 egg Added to
  • 280 ml milk Added to
  • 60 g butter Added to
  • 180 g caramilk chocolate block Added to


  • 60 g self-rising flour Added to
  • 1 spoon cinnamon Added to
  • 10 ml water Added to


  • 25 g sugar Added to
  • 80 ml water Added to


120 min.
1. Step

Add flour to a bowl, cinnamon and salt to one side, and yeast to the other. Mix some flour into separate piles before mixing it all.

Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

2. Step

Add eggs, milk, sugar and butter to the bowl and mix until combined. Cover the bowl with cling wrap and proof for 1 hour.

Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

3. Step

Add caramilk pieces to the dough and evenly distribute.

Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

4. Step

Divide into six large buns or 12 medium-sized buns.

Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

5. Step

Mix flour, cinnamon and water to form a paste.

Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

6. Step

Place the paste into a piping bag and form the crosses onto buns. Then, set aside for 15 minutes.

Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

7. Step

Bake at 180°C for 20 minutes. Then, remove from heat and add sugar and water to make the glaze. Heat in microwave for 15 seconds.

Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

8. Step

Glaze hot cross buns straight out of the oven. Let it cool and enjoy!

Easy homemade Caramilk hot cross buns recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

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