Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe

This delicious Turkish flatbread filled with spinach and feta cheese is known as gozleme. It has only basic ingredients and you don't need an oven. You can adapt the filling to your liking. It's delicious!

Healthy spinach recipes (including what goes well with spinach)

The recipe can be found in this article

Healthy spinach recipes (including what goes well with spinach)


number of servings

The Bread

  • 1 Cup hot water Added to
  • 7 g dry yeast Added to
  • 3 cups strong flour Added to
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil Added to
  • 2 tablespoon yoghurt Added to
  • salt Added to

The Filling

  • 400 g frozen spinach Added to
  • 1 onion Added to
  • 200 g feta Added to
  • 100 g sliced mozzarella Added to
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder Added to


30 min.
1. Step

Mix the dry yeast with the warm water and leave for 3-5 minutes to activate the yeast.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
2. Step

In a bowl, add the rest of the bread ingredients including the activated yeast.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
3. Step

Mix until combined and knead for 10 minutes. Form the dough into a ball and place it in an oiled bowl.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
4. Step

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and leave to rise until doubled in size.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
5. Step

Defrost the spinach and drain. Then chop it into small pieces.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
6. Step

Place the spinach in a bowl with the rest of the filling ingredients. Mix well and set aside.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
7. Step

Add the mozzarella and the feta cheese

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
8. Step

Add the fined chopped onion, the garlic powder and the chilli flakes. Then, mix until combine all the ingredients.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
9. Step

Place the risen dough on a floured surface. Knead lightly and form into a cylinder. Cut into 6 equal parts and form a ball with each part.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
10. Step

Roll out one roll into a square. Place a little filling in the centre and spread.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
11. Step

Fold each side of the dough towards the centre.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
12. Step

In a hot frying pan, cook with a little oil for about 3 minutes each side. Spray with a little oil before turning.

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1
13. Step

Cover the cooked gozleme with a clean cloth to keep them warm. Slice and enjoy!

Authentic gozleme with spinach and feta cheese recipe - preparation step 1

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