How to Pickle Beetroot: Easy and Quick Methods

5 min. reading


Unlock the secrets of pickling beetroot with our comprehensive guide. If you've ever wondered how to pickle beetroot from your garden quickly and effortlessly, you're in for a treat. Explore 6 delightful methods, including a sugar-free option, to savour the bold flavours of this garden-fresh delight.


Are you a gardening enthusiast looking for a way to preserve your bountiful beetroot harvest? Or perhaps you're simply a beetroot lover craving that tangy, sweet, and earthy flavour? Look no further! Today, we'll delve into the art of pickling beetroot, exploring easy and quick methods that will have your meal ready in no time.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the pickling process, let's start with the basics. It all begins with selecting the finest, freshest beetroots from your garden. Be sure they're free from blemishes and firm to the touch.

Now, gather your pickling arsenal: glass jars, lids, a sharp knife, and a sturdy cutting board. With these essentials in hand, you're ready to embark on your pickling journey.

Preparing Beetroot

The key to perfect pickled beetroot is in the preparation. Begin by scrubbing and peeling your beetroots, revealing their vibrant, ruby-red flesh. Slice or dice them to your desired size, ensuring uniformity for even pickling. 

Now let’s discover how to pickle beetroot straight from the garden.

Quick Pickling

Short on time but craving pickled beetroot? Solution - learn how to pickle beetroot quickly! It is the best method to master when discovering how to pickle beetroot easily. Follow these simplified steps:

  1. Prepare your beetroots as usual.
  2. Create a brine with vinegar, water, and a pinch of salt. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Pour the hot brine over the beetroots in sterilized jars and refrigerate.

Your quick-pickled beetroot will be ready to enjoy in just a day or two!


Let’s get into detail with the more preferred ways to pickle beetroot.

Method 1 - How to Pickle Beetroot with White Vinegar

How do you pickle beetroot for long-term storage? This is it! 
Our first method - the classic white vinegar pickling method. Once you master how to pickle beetroot with white vinegar, you will love the many recipes you can now explore with your pickled beetroot.  Follow these steps for a mouthwatering outcome:

  • Create a brine by combining equal parts water and white vinegar. Add a pinch of salt and sugar if you desire a hint of sweetness.
  • Bring the brine to a boil, then carefully pour it over your prepared beetroots in sterilized jars.
  • Seal the jars tightly and allow them to cool. Refrigerate for at least a week to let the flavours meld and intensify.

You can enjoy your pickled beets with our classic grandma’s beef stew or a simple deli-style tuna sandwich.

Homemade Grandma's Beef Stew Recipe


A comforting stew recipe that is perfect for cold winter. This stew is packed with tender beef, vegetables and rich spices that will warm you up the inside out.

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Deli-Style Tuna Sandwich


Tuna packed in olive oil is the heart of this deli-style tuna sandwich, with mayo, Dijon mustard, chopped cornichons and pepperoncini, and shredded iceberg on white toast.

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Method 2 - How to Pickle Beetroot with Apple Cider Vinegar

If you're seeking a slightly different flavour profile, try pickling your beetroot with apple cider vinegar. Here's how you pickle beetroot with apple cider vinegar:

  • Prepare your beetroots as before.
  • Create a brine using apple cider vinegar, water, and a touch of honey or maple syrup for sweetness.
  • Pour the brine over the beetroots in your sterilized jars, seal, and refrigerate for a similar duration.

Method 3 - How to Pickle Beetroot without Sugar (Sugar-Free Pickling)

For those who prefer their pickled beetroot without added sugar, you're in luck! Simply omit the sugar in your brine and let the natural sweetness of the beetroots shine through. This healthier alternative doesn't compromise flavour. By omitting one ingredient, I guess you can say it is one way to pickle beetroot quickly.


How long before pickled beetroot is ready to eat?

This is really up to you because within 2 days pickled beetroot is full of flavour. However, many people recommend storing it for up to two weeks to thoroughly enjoy it. 

How to Store Pickled Beetroot

Proper storage is crucial for preserving the goodness of your pickled beetroot. Keep the jars in the refrigerator for up to six months, though they're likely to disappear much sooner! Many people always ask how long pickled beetroot will last if left unopened in the refrigerator? Well, up to a year, in most cases - but with its goodness and vastness of recipes you can create with it, you won’t keep that jar unopened for that long!

Can you eat pickled beets right out of the jar? Of course! But also try pickled beetroot with hard-boiled eggs on a sandwich - simply delicious!

Now, how to savour your homemade pickled beetroot? These vibrant morsels are perfect in salads, sandwiches, or as a zesty side dish. Let your culinary creativity run wild!

Here are some more ways to enjoy beetroot, especially if your garden has a bountiful harvest:

Quick and easy Roasted Beetroot and Halloumi Salad

Quick and easy Roasted Beetroot and Halloumi Salad

Quick and easy Roasted Beetroot and Halloumi Salad


This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Roasted Beetroot and Halloumi salad. It's healthy, vegetarian, quick and delicious. Don't miss it!

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Easy Homemade Roast Beetroot recipe

Easy homemade roast beetroot recipe

Easy homemade roast beetroot recipe


This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade roast beetroot. Don't miss it!

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Raw Beetroot Salad

Salad of raw beetroot


Tasty salad of raw beetroot with apple. The combination of beetroot, apple and carrot is not only tasty, but also very attractive on the plate thanks to its bright red colour.

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Roasted Beet Tzatziki Salad

Roasted Beet Tzatziki Salad


This psychedelic Mediterranean-inspired salad marries bright, fresh ingredients with sweet, earthy roasted beets and perfectly cooked eggs. It tastes as good as it looks on the plate, and all the ingredients make for good snacks.

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Healthy Homemade Beetroot Salad

Healthy homemade beetroot salad

Healthy homemade beetroot salad


This recipe teaches how to make homemade beetroot salad. It's tasty and healthy. Don't miss it!

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