Preview of Beetroot pie

Beetroot pie - quick and easy recipes

3 recipes

Discover some tasty recipes from the category Beetroot pie. One of these 3 recipes may become your new favorite. Preparation time 45 - 180 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. See our favorite recipes here - No Bake Chocolate Cherry Ripe Bars, Beetroot brownies without flour, Strawberry Cake with Beetroot Base - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Strawberry Cake with Beetroot Base

Even a cake can be prepared in a healthier, more nutritious yet tasty way. This one is a proof. Moreover, it looks great and you won't taste the difference compared to the traditional one.

Beetroot brownies without flour

I came across this healthy cake when I was looking for a way to effectively use up the leftover beets I had in the fridge. I substituted almond flour for the flour and the resulting flavor is phenomenal.

No Bake Chocolate Cherry Ripe Bars

Blending the richness of coconut, the sweetness of cherries, and the bitterness of dark chocolate, this recipe is a breeze and so much healthier than store-bought bars.